
Showing posts from December, 2024

Le chef de la recherche sur l'IA au sein d'Apple nommé professeur à l'EPFL


OpenAI to set up new office in Switzerland

OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT, says it intends to set up an office in Zurich. The move is the latest development in the company's European expansion plans, after setting up offices in London, Paris, Brussels and Dublin.

Chain-structured neural architecture search for financial time series forecasting

Abstract  Neural architecture search (NAS) emerged as a way to automatically optimize neural networks for a specific task and dataset. Despite an abundance of research on NAS for images and natural language applications, similar studies for time series data are lacking. Among NAS search spaces, chain-structured are the simplest and most applicable to small datasets like time series. We compare three popular NAS strategies on chain-structured search spaces: Bayesian optimization (specifically Tree-structured Parzen Estimator), the hyperband method, and reinforcement learning in the context of financial time series forecasting. These strategies were employed to optimize simple well-understood neural architectures like the MLP, 1D CNN, and RNN, with more complex temporal fusion transformers (TFT) and their own optimizers included for comparison. We find Bayesian optimization and the hyperband method performing best among the strategies, and RNN and 1D CNN best among the architectures,...